Monday, January 03, 2005

Welcome to my blog...

After months of lazing around and postponing, I finally am ready to publish my blog..I guess I might be one of the last ones to do it..but here it goes anyways..there are a couple of things I want to mention before anyone starts reading this (thats assuming that someone is going to read this nonsense sometime)...Most of the earlier posts have been added to the blog recently based on some notes that i took a while the times on the blog does not reflect the actual times that i wrote it..Secondly, the title of the blog is grossly misleading..there is no adventure whatsoever in anything that i did...i did not jump of cliffs nor did I swim across seas...most of it is a compilation of what i ate and when i slept :-)..with occasional walks around the town..And I should also admit that officialy I do not qualify as a 'globetrotter'..It's just one more ploy to make myself happy...

Having said that, you are free to forward my blog address, copy the contents, distort it, or do whatever you want with it...Do post your comments if you find anything interesting...and send your really personal comments ;-) to


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